August 19

Little Susitna River, Houston: Lowbush cranberries are quite red with some white unripe blotches remaining on undersides; most berries crunchy. A few plants are still flowering. Everything is looking good for picking later. Very impressive bunchberries this year, good snacks. Also snacked on nice timberberries and found a few trailing currants for snacks, too soft to keep.

June 22

Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge, Wasilla: Picked lots of perfect, huge rose petals. A few rosehips are ready. Northern black currants are big and green. Raspberries and nagoonberries are small and green, a few beginning to redden.

September 6

Hatcher Pass, Willow and Fishhook: Picked berries for last several days in different alpine and subalpine areas. Blueberries of all 3 kinds ready now and some getting really tasty. (In some spots earlier the early blues were ripe while the dwarf blues were completely green.) Crowberries perfect. Alpine highbush cranberry patches red and crispy.