August 5

Swamp land, Big Lake: Tried to pick every kind of berry around. Picked tons of wild raspberries. Also picked quite a few red currants and very ripe watermelon berries (almost too squishy to get.) Picked many perfect trailing black currants from one spot. Picked a few ripe crowberries, cloudberries, and rosehips here and there. Snacked on ripe timberberries. Lowbush cranberries are large and green and highbush are turning red. Huge, interesting mushrooms are everywhere as well as a ton of mourning cloak caterpillars in feeding frenzies.

July 24

Swamp land, Big Lake: Picked lots of red currants. Skunk currants are also ripe. Picked a nice amount of ripe early blueberries. Elderberries seem red in sunny spots and green in shady spots. Crowberries and bog cranberries seem almost ready in spots.